Local Cold Weather Shelter Seeks Volunteers

We are heading into the coldest part of the year here in Bellingham, WA. Our local cold weather shelter at the Lighthouse Mission is seeking the help of volunteers who would be willing to take late night shifts at the shelter. Contact Audrey at the Lighthouse Mission if you would like to volunteer. 

Email:       audreym@thelighthousemission.org

Phone:      (360) 733-5120, Ext 107

Story: Our pilot project home build

Story: Our pilot project home build

While walking the streets of Granada I am bombarded by young children in tattered clothes, barefoot and dusty. All seeking to touch me, hold my attention, sell me a trinket or ask for money. Their wide eyes and outstretched muddy palms are both gentle and desperate. My guide shoos away the groups of children over and over and is embarrassed by the interruptions. Later, when driving around surrounding towns and villages I ask him about the poverty in his country. I ask him to take me to a place these shooed away ones live. After much hesitation he veered off the main streets and took me down narrow, unpaved roads where I saw tents, structures made of tarps, wood poles and scrap metal. These are the desolate places these wide-eyed children call home...